Monday 26 January 2009

what goes around comes around//......

life as we are told every day on the news and in the papers is HARD! so I have decided a personal economic experiment is required...

we are fortunate to live in a nice warm house..we have heating and all those mod cons that we take for granted. We are told to get out of this recession we need to start spending our way out of it ....but I have decided that I need to go back to what my mother always does and says...

'' mum you need a new television ' I heard myself saying to her a few years back ..' No ' she said ' that one is perfectly fine and still working ...My microwave is about 20 years old and still working...I do not need a new one..'

So back to my experiment...I have decided that in 2009 I will not buy new clothes or things until I really need one - I look in my wardrobe ..two big rails of clothes - do i really need new ones ?

I counted - I have 14 pairs of jeans....ranging in different leg widths and waistband heights.! I have more shoes and boots than I care to mention...As I have quite a large walk in wardrobe I have had the luxury of being able to hang on to things, I guess some people may say I am a hoarder! but hey military was around what 4 years my wardrobe I spied two military style jackets from Primark and a beautiful cardigan from Marc Jacobs with glorious buttons....
I skulked around some clothing stores today ( well no-one else was in there and the sales staff looked bored! ) and hey those bow necked blouses I got in Top Shop and Hennes about 4 years are also making a come back as well as paisley smock tops and brogue flat shoes ....not sure if I will ever need to shop again!

Having said that my favourite pair of Celt sheepskin boots have sprung a hole in the toe...can I justify a new pair??? and what about those cute pink converse I left in the garden last summer -- can they be rescued!

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