Tuesday 19 May 2009

A test

Need to see if I have correctly set up mobile blogging

This is a new blog for me as I have already kept two - the first while we waited to become parents , the second after we became parents and now this one - whose inception came about when a friend asked me how easy it was to set up a blog so I decided to launch toast and see what happened !

There have been a few sporadic posts but nothing of any consequence ! So I now have to decide what it is and why ! The others ( one no longer updated and the other a visual record of my daughter for friends and family) had. A purpose and still do for their specific audiences but I read so many blogs that I too want to join the party and leave the family with their pictures and photo diary ! While I blither on about something else

Still deciding what to blithe on about but probably revolve around life in the shires, maintaining an urban edge etc etc !! Hey !
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