Tuesday 3 August 2010

Day three of August Break

Well not really day three because I only started yesterday but hey.....

Today are some pictures of the Yew and the Nelly in my blog title....I started blogging in early 2006 while we waited for our referral to adopt our daughter from China ..it was a way of keeping people informed of what at the time seemed like a long wait. Once we arrived home in january 2007, I ended that blog and began a second one entitled Life with Nelly....again more of a diary, event tracker of our new family and our move from London to the country....it was a great way to share our stories and adventures with friends and family in distant places...This blog ended last year when my Mum sadly passed away after a short illness.....

And so to Yew ( the name of our house) Me and Nelly... The Yew is huge and dominates the front garden, it is protected, unlike the house, and has amazing branch structure; this hot weather has meant a lot of leaf drop even on something so old and strong.

.I was never really sure what this blog should be, so this August Break - not really a break for me; has re-energised me and kickstarted my blog....and Hot Buttered Toast...well it is always a comfort, something that makes us all feel better....

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